Key deposit - Buildings 1870-1875
Key deposit
University City 81, buildings 1870-1875
When paying for a deposit for a key please enter your student number/AU ID on the checkout page.
Keys to Complex 1870-1875 to be picked up from Dorte Abildskov bldg. 1872 room 538 (or Rikke Mie Rahbek bldg. 1871 room 544).
When paying for a deposit for keys, you must enter your student number/AU ID on the checkout page.
The keys are to be picked up from Dorte Abildskov bygn. 1872 room 538 (or Rikke Mie Rahbek bldg. 1872 room 544).
When picking up a key please hand in the following papers:
(i) receipt of deposit payment;
(ii) signed check list for safe working environment;
iii) completed form for registration of students, staff/ PhD students or guests.
Upon departure from the department, the key(s) are to be handed in to Dorte Abildskov bldg. 1872 room 538 (or Rikke Mie Rahbek bldg. 1872 room 544). After that, they will make sure that the deposit will be refunded to your account.