2024 Tuition fee - ARTS - MA

The tuition fee payment covers the Fall 2024 semester for the Master's degree programmes at the ARTS Faculty at Aarhus University.


Please remember to write the name of the student on the payment so we can see who the payment refers to.

You can find information regarding the terms of payment for the tuition fee here.


Which programmes?

This webshop is for the payment of the tuition fee for the Spring 2024 semester for the Master's degree programmes in:

  • Cognitive Science
  • English
  • European Studies
  • Human Security
  • Intercultural Studies
  • Intercultural Studies (French) 
  • Linguistics
  • Sustainable Heritage Management
  • Visual Anthropology


Having problems with the web shop?

If you are experiencing problems making the payment via the web shop, please contact us at usb.udd@au.dk.
